Why are there strict requirements for the use of plastic case circuit breakers with residual earth leakage protection, as well as for the pressure?

Date | 2022-08-30 10:10:23

The use of plastic case circuit breakers with residual earth leakage protection is becoming more and more common nowadays, I wonder if we usually notice it? Some customers say that they bought this and it didn't take long for it to break down, it's really too much trouble to have such problems. In fact, there are only two reasons for this, with residual leakage protection molded case circuit breaker manufacturers feel that the first reason is that the quality of the products we buy is not over the top, perhaps to save money to buy substandard products. The second reason is a lack of understanding of the environment and maintenance methods for plastic case circuit breakers with residual leakage protection, resulting in a much shorter service life of the machine.

It is well known that plastic case circuit breakers with residual leakage protection have requirements for ambient temperature and humidity. The ambient air temperature must not reach above 40 degrees Celsius and must be controlled within this range. The minimum temperature must not fall below -5 degrees Celsius and the average temperature must not exceed thirty-five degrees Celsius. This temperature value is really important, otherwise the use of the moulded case circuit breaker with residual earth leakage protection will be affected. For atmospheric requirements, the relative humidity should not exceed 50% at 40 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, the humidity may be relatively higher, but the monthly average humidity should not exceed 90%.

With residual earth leakage protection plastic case circuit breaker contactor ninety rely on manual operation, of course, if the manual feel more trouble, you can try electric closing, there is such a function. When the main contact is closed, the free release mechanism locks the main contact in place. The machine works when the release coil is connected in series with the thermal release element and the main circuit. Only the user fully understands how it works and only knows how to operate and maintain it.

Usually can use with residual leakage protection molded case circuit breaker when everyone we should need to pay attention to students once the study found that the system circuit design short circuit or other serious overload, this work when the overcharge of the release mechanism will be able to constantly occur armature suction, so that the free release mechanism between the development of action, so that the main circuit is disconnected. In the event of an overload in the circuit technology, the thermal element will bend and also disconnect the main circuit. And in the event of a lack of voltage in the circuit, the undervoltage detriggers are released.

The procedure for using a moulded case circuit breaker with residual earth leakage protection is now so simple that if you buy a product with a guarantee, you won't have to worry about the subsequent operation. In fact, the operator is more familiar with the machine where it can be used. Even if problems arise during use, there is nothing to worry about. Repairs can be carried out in accordance with the instructions, and if they are not good enough, they can be carried out directly by a professional. In any case, it does not put the user at risk. Is this a better machine?