The environment in which the products of universal circuit breaker manufacturers are used

Date | 2022-08-30 11:32:07

1、The upper limit of ambient air temperature shall not exceed +40℃, the lower limit shall not be lower than -5℃, and the 24h average value shall not exceed +35℃. 

2、The altitude of the installation site shall not exceed 2000m. 

3. The relative humidity of the atmosphere does not exceed 50% at an ambient air temperature of +40°C; it can have a high relative humidity at a lower temperature; the average maximum relative humidity for the wettest month is 90% and the average monthly relative humidity is 90%. The average minimum temperature is +25°C and takes into account condensation on the product surface due to temperature changes. 

4. Pollution class: Class 3. 

5. Installation conditions: vertical or horizontal installation. 

6, installation category: circuit breaker main circuit and under-voltage ventilation, power transformer primary coil installation category Ⅳ, other auxiliary circuits and control circuits installation category Ⅲ.

The above is a specific introduction to the universal circuit breaker manufacturers on the use of universal circuit breaker environment. Generally speaking, intelligent universal circuit breakers are more suitable for AC 50Hz, rated voltage 380V, 660V distribution networks, and are very effective in distributing electrical energy and protecting circuits. Electrical equipment in the process of use, there are often overload, under-voltage phenomenon. , short circuit, single-phase grounding and other faults, in order to avoid the harm caused by these faults, the use of circuit breakers can naturally play a role in intelligent protection, selective protection can well avoid unnecessary power outages, the application of universal circuit breaker stronger.

Ltd, founded in 2015, has a strong product development, mold manufacturing capabilities, as well as plastic case processing, punching, spot welding, assembly, testing and other full process of production capacity of the universal circuit breaker manufacturers.