Causes and solutions for non-action or abnormal action of plastic case switches

Date | 2022-08-15 10:26:27

The causes and solutions for the plastic shell switch not operating or not operating properly are the following 11 points

1, plastic shell switch control coil control line is disconnected. See if there is a broken wire or loose problem phenomenon between the terminals, there is a broken wire or replace a wire, the wire is loose, fastening no corresponding terminal.

2., plastic shell switch coil damage. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the coil, if the resistance is ∞, then replace the coil.

3. The plastic enclosure switch does not reset after action. If the multimeter electrical blockage thermal relay between the two constant closure point resistance value of ∞ , then press the reset button of the thermal relay.

4, plastic shell switch control power supply voltage and coil voltage is inconsistent, the coil rated voltage is higher than the line voltage, replace the coil for the appropriate control line voltage.

5, plastic shell switch for contact spring working pressure or release spring system pressure change is too large. Adjust the spring pressure or replace the spring

6, button contact or auxiliary contact poor contact. Clean or replace accordingly.

7, Contact travel is too large. Adjust the contact overload.

8、Coil power supply voltage is too low or fluctuates too much. Adjust the coil power supply voltage.

9、Insufficient operating system power supply capacity demand or line disconnection, wiring error, poor control activity contact society. Improve the enterprise power supply capacity, correct the wiring, repair the cost control contacts.

10, the product itself is damaged (such as broken or burnt coils, mechanical moving parts jammed, rusted or bent rotating shaft, etc.). Replace the coil, remove the jamming fault and repair the damaged parts.

11, the power supply to carry out the distance as well as the contactor is too far, the connection line is too thin, replace the use of thicker connection line.